I saw this graphic on Facebook today and it totally resonated with me.
How often do you hear somebody say “I wish I could drive.” (Just as an example—although I do know a couple of people.) But they don’t do anything about it. They catch a bus or a taxi, day after day, sighing and moaning, feeling unhappy, wishing they could drive—being jealous and nasty about those who can.
If you had to tackle them they’d probably say, “But it’s so difficult.” Or “I don’t have the time to learn.” Or “But I don’t have money for a car so what’s the point.” Of course, if they can’t drive, they’ll never have a car, will they?
So they continue to complain that they’re hard done by because they can’t drive.
If they put their mind to it, driving could actually become a reality.
The old saying, where there’s a will, there’s a way still applies.
If they wrote down their dream “I want to drive by the end of 2019.” and stuck it up on the fridge, it would no longer be a dream. It has become a goal.
Then the next steps need to be planned.
Find out where a person can take driving lessons, and how much they cost.
Maybe you need to save first, to be able to pay for those driving lessons. Work out what is affordable and stick to the plan of saving X-amount every single month towards your goal.
Take action! Book the learner’s license test in advance. You can’t take lessons if you don’t have your learners.
Use the time that you are saving wisely: look and see what is happening on the road. Check out the road signs. Study the learners’ book, ask those who can drive questions, get them to test you on questions from the book.
Once you’ve passed your learner’s license, you can take those lessons—because you’ve saved the money and you have it.
When you’ve finished your lessons, you are ready to take your driver’s test. And you will pass it the first time because you’re prepared.
So what if you don’t have a car—you can drive!
There is nothing to stop buying your own car as the next goal. Saving towards a deposit, making it happen—one step at a time.
Turns those dreams into reality people—no matter what they are.