Have fun and eggsperiment!

Sibo and eggs

Sometime last year we found out how good eggs were for us. Not only are they very nutritious but they are also good for our eyesight and for memory (maybe we should all chomp down eggs for breakfast when we are writing exams in future. (Here’s the blog link in case you missed it.

The other day I read about a cool trick that you can do with eggs. It’s really simple. All you need are two eggs. One you have to hard boil (make it 15 minutes to make sure) and once it’s been boiled, put it in the fridge so that it becomes the same temperature as the raw egg.

Now you have two eggs that look and feel the same. Nobody knows that there really is a difference.

This is what you do…

Spin the eggs and watch what happens.

One egg should spin while the other egg wobbles.

You can also lightly tough each of the eggs while they are spinning. One should stop quickly while the other keeps moving after you have touched it.

Ask your audience why they think this is happening.

And why is it happening…. the raw egg’s centre of gravity changes as the white and yolk move around inside the shell, causing the wobbling motion. Even after you touch the shell it continues moving. This is because of inertia – the same type of force you feel when you change direction or stop suddenly in a car – your body wants to move one way while the car wants you to do something different. Inertia causes the raw egg to spin even after you have stopped it, this contrasts with the solid white and yolk of the hard-boiled egg. It responds much quicker if you touch it.

This is a good eggsperiment to test a friend or someone in your family with – see if they can figure out how to tell the difference between the eggs (without smashing them of course) before showing them how your nifty trick actually works.

Then you can have a nice hardboiled egg sandwich!

Have an eggsellent week!


Get off that darn cell phone please!

sibo-having-fun-at-the-wimpy-2Sjoe – some adults are really a bit less than the best!

Mum and I were at the Wimpy having a milkshake.

We chose to sit outside so that I could investigate all the fun stuff to do – and let me tell you – there is plenty of fun stuff to do at the Wimpy in Petersfield. Mum likes to watch me whilst I play. But we have a rule that I have to come back every now and then and talk. I also have to eat all my food.

Actually I quite like having my mum all to myself – so I spend more time at the table than I do in the playground.

I was slurping down my shake, chatting away, when I noticed a little kid who came in with her parental agent. They sat down inside – far away from the play area.

The little girl looked at the slide longingly but sat down, good as gold. A few minutes later the man took out his cell phone and kept it glued to his ear for quite a long time.

After a while the girl ventured outside and had a look around the play area – rather apprehensively.  Then she went back inside. The man was on his phone again. She fiddled with the sauce and stuff. He carried on talking. Their food came and he still chatted.

Part of the treat of going out somewhere is having the person talk to you – not someone else!

I see this quite a lot. People go out and they spend more time looking at their cell phones than they do talking to the person that they are with.

Adults are the worst!  They order their kids food and seem to feel that is all that’s expected of them. Their job is done,  they can sit back and withdraw into their cellular worlds. They don’t need to interact with their children other than to help them cut up their food.

Sometimes the kids spend the whole time in the play area and don’t even eat much of their food.

Most of us want you to watch us, we want to talk to you and we want to you listen to us – with your eyes and your ears. You can’t do that if you are attached to your cell phone.

Put it away people!
