Have you noticed that some people go out there, do their thing and it works perfectly? Every. Single. Time. On the odd occasions when it doesn’t, they bounce back and tackle it from a different angle. Everything they do looks effortless.

This is often due to having bags of confidence and high self-esteem.
These are the people who feel secure and know that they can rely on their skills and strengths to handle whatever comes their way. They are ready and able to handle what life throws at them.
They think “I can” instead of “I can’t”.
True confidence is embedded in reality. These people know exactly what their strengths and weaknesses are. They don’t pretend to be something that they’re not.
Many people are not so confident, but in actual fact, it’s not that hard to cultivate a sense of confidence. It just requires some work.
- It all starts with self-belief and building a confident mindset. Start by thinking “I can do that” instead of “Oh no, I can’t possibly do that”. Shake off any self-doubt.
- Compare yourself kindly. We’re not all good at everything, but we are all good at something or have something that we can be proud of.
- Make a list of the things that you are good at. Then practise so that you can do them even better.
- Feel proud of the things that you do well. You don’t have to boast, but you can give yourself a pat on the back.
- Dress for success, whether you are going to the office or to school, feeling confident in what you are wearing plays a part. Iron that shirt, polish those shoes!
- Be assertive, not aggressive. Being aggressive turns a person into a bully. Quietly putting your foot down makes you somebody that people sneakily admire.
- Take a small risk and challenge yourself to do something that’s just beyond your normal comfort zone. If at first, you don’t succeed, try again. Don’t give up.
- Give yourself permission to be the ‘real you’. Instead of trying to fit in and be like everybody else, embrace your quirks and let them shine. Be the individual you are.
Remember what wise old Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
At the end of the day, your confidence is your own to develop or undermine.
Stand tall people.